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Milton Knight's Sonic

 Growing up I absolutely loved the Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog show. We had a channel that would show various sonic the hedgehog show episodes in random orders, They included Adventures of Sonic (1992), Sonic the hedgehog (1993) and Sonic underground (1999). While I loved them all Adventures was always my favorite because of the strong Looney Tunes inspiration it took, I eventually gave up on the sporadic tv order and bought the dvd box set. 

On this box set it included these bonus features with the main artist involved with this show Milton Knight. I re watched these short tutorial videos constantly and i reckon they had a pretty big impact on my art, I was fascinated by his quick and loose drawing style and tried to emulate it.

looking back what i really like is how he really doesn't draw them on model with the games or existing media, he really just did his own thing which makes them feel iconic, unique and undeniably his own take.

He now runs a Patreon where he seems to be free to draw and paint whatever he wants, I hope he is doing well as he brought me a lot of joy as a kid growing up. here's some examples of his phenomenal contemporary work...

fantastic image of his studio and his work!


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