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Something fun just arrived…

 Check out what just arrived in the mail today. I’m excited to check these out, I’ve enjoyed the few demos and tutorials I’ve followed before from Don Bluth so I’ll be curious to see what he has to share in these dvds. 

Some of this will cover stuff I’ve already done in tutorials from many other teachers like the classic bouncing ball but you can never have too much practice.

Here’s a great video he did on hands, this 4 min video really change the game for me in terms of understanding how to approach hands and get that Milt Kahl feeling, Don Bluth was always praised for his drawing abilities, rising up the Disney ranks from low level inbetweener to full Animator in a very short time. 

I even remember reading a interview Milt did that Andreas Deja shared on his blog where Milt specifically mentioned Don as one of the new guys that he thought was good, Which was high praise from that man. Here’s the article with Milt’s praise for Don…

(A fascinating interview by the way)

This video was actually a promo for a full in depth video on his approach to hands which I did end up purchasing however I actually found this 4 min video was the more valuable of information.

The full video was a perk for his Dragon’s Lair pitch which I did contribute to in order to get this tutorial, even though I had access the video is not available anymore but luckily someone shared it online. 

This video offers a great approach to studying hands you will notice he intentionally draws a bit more realistic and is more focused on accurate realistic drawing which makes sense as that’s the foundations you must master before moving into stylisation however you can learn that from many other instructors (Proko or Watts atelier comes to mind.) what I think really set Don apart is that he could draw in that Milt Kahl style and that’s the more interesting stuff to me and I feel the video was a little too light on this aspect though he does try to show a stylised pass I just think they way he summed it up and gave a really actionable technique in that first 4 minute video was far more eye opening to me.

Unfortunately there was also an eye tutorials but that seems lost to time unless anyone else managed to save it.


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